4 TIPS To Maintain Healthy Tissues – By Megan Relkoff, RMT


Spring is a time of excitement and rebirth. We are all becoming more energized, active and begining to do more physical activity however, with a sudden increase of activity comes an increase in chances of injury. Here are 4 ways to maintain tissue health and prevent injury on your journey to good health this Spring.


1. Listen to your body– Our bodies know better than our own minds, any therapist/health professional on what we personally need at any moment. Take time throughout your day to take a breath, clear your mind and check in with your body. If you feel like you’re not confident in your intuition just yet, try learning to muscle test to get a more tangible/physical result. 


Learn to muscle test here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5M8WbR-dOfY


2. Stretch– Stretching will reduce knots, reduce pain, improve posture and provide an overall harmony for our body. Before an activity try kinetic/dynamic stretching as you use the muscle through it’s full range of motion providing proper warm up of circulation to the area.

After activity use static stretching. Meaning you go into the stretch at which feels comfortable to you and hold for 30 seconds to a minute. This will prevent the muslces from shortening after they were exerted therefor leaving your body in proper balance. 

For a dynamic stretch routine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AmJdqLnM0Q


3. Get a Massage. Massage can reduce/elimate pain, improve joint health, improve circulation, lymph drainage/body waste removal, release muscular tension, counteracts all that sitting you may do at work, improves quality of sleep, boosts immunity, provides a sense of connection, improves posture. When your body is in balance with all of the above things it can move efficiently and make greater progress in increasing strength and endurance. 

Book an appointment for massage therapy: https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/home?studioid=21943


4. Get in water. The average adult body is 60-75% made up of water. It should be no surprise that externally getting into water is a great health enrichment. Generally speaking, heat is used to relax and reduce activity of internal organs. Therefor if you’re feeling stressed or have pain a warm bath will help. Cold is used to stimulate and invigorate, increasing internal activity within the body. Try a contrast shower to wake up your body and increase your mental activity in the mornings. Start with hot for one minute, cold for 30 seconds and repeat three times always finishing with cold. This will dilate and constrict your blood vessels in turn, increasing your circulation and eliminate toxins. When water is active it can stimulate our bodies touch receptors on the skin, increasing blood circulation and releasing tight muscles. 

Book your appointment with me and I will tailor my education more to your needs 🙂

See you on my massage table.

Megan Relkoff, RMT


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