Being a soccer play in my younger days and having many sports injuries, tears, ligament damage, fractures and soft tissue injuries I have had my fair share over the years. I learned through my own injuries and 20 years being in practice working on tens of thousands of patients. Now with that said, you have…

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  In the 1980’s, Sylvester Stallone became famous for Rambo, a movie character who was the ultimate warrior. Many men and young boys, including myself at the time, idolized Rambo.  I even had his posters on my wall as a kid thinking that’s who I want to be one day. But even Rambo has a…

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“To touch is to be given life” – MichaelAngelo In these times of a global pandemic, Black Lives Matter, global dissent, economic hardships; where the new norms are of physical distancing and virus/contagion phobia. Where we are constantly disinfecting our hands, our physical environments and everything in between. Where levels of communications have been at…

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Now that the actuality of this pandemic state that we are under globally is setting and our everyday life is affected by the parameters of stress, uncertainty, and fear; how do we adopt? How do we not only leave in survival mode, but use this opportunity to pivot, to create/design a plan that will keep…

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 By Mihael Mamychshvili, Reg. Master Shiatsu Therapist   I have been working with patients with chronic pain for 15 years and it never ceases to amaze me how people get used to their pain. Their pain becomes their proverbial security blanket because without, they feel like something essential is missing. Many patients come to me…

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 Shiatsu Therapy and The Abdomen  (The Hara) What is the Hara?     Why in Shiatsu therapy does the therapist often start your treatment by feeling your abdominal region or focusing in that region? Ancient Asian cultures believe the shape of one’s Hara tells about the character and condition of a person. Yellow markings are reflex zones for the organs….

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Adrenal Burnout Healed Through Shiatsu The kidneys are considered to be the energy force of the body in Shiatsu and traditional Chinese Medicine. It is also “the furnace” that keeps us warm and distributes heat and energy throughout. Together with the bladder they are an important part in detoxifying the body of waste and impurities….

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Why You Need To Help Your Liver In The Spring – From A Shiatsu Theory Perspective Written By Mihael Mamychshvili, RST Spring is coming; the flowers are blooming, the sun is shining and the temperature is slowly (too slowly for my liking) climbing up. People around this time start planning to get in shape. Loosing that extra…

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What is Shiatsu Therapy? Do you ever find yourself overwhelmed with the pace of your life? Is your nervous system over stimulated by stress, technology, caffeine and other stimulates? Are you struggling to keep your work and life in balance while tension and pain is a daily reminder? Shiatsu is a holistic therapy that can…

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Headaches and Migraines Helped With Shiatsu Therapy – Mihael Mamychshvili RST Most headaches are symptoms of imbalances in the organs. These imbalances are caused by environmental toxins, food toxins or sensitivities, stress, rich fatty diets, and emotional distress. These imbalances affect organs such as the liver, gall bladder, stomach, spleen, bladder, kidneys, and large intestine….

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