Are you Affected by the debilitating effects of anxiety and stress during this pandemic? The truth is we all are on one level or another. Stress is the number 1 cause of Dis-Ease in the 21st century! It’s at an epidemic proportions and everyone is affected right now. Where is the antidote to dealing with…
By Angel Hands Trauma Team What is trauma? Some people associate trauma straight to war veterans and firefighters. However, the word trauma refers to situations that are emotionally painful, and that can overwhelm a person’s ability to cope, leaving them feeling powerless. Any situation that leaves someone feeling overpowered and alone can be traumatic. A…
Autism – How Shiatsu Can Help A Therapist’s Journal Even though more and more children are diagnosed with ASD (autism spectrum disorders) (1) and Shiatsu shows beneficial effects, it is still hard to find more data. Therefore I like to share my observations to increase the amount of information available and stimulate more discussion. My…
Vulnerability A Key To Empowerment – By Mihael Mamychshvili, RST In the last 20 years as a therapist, I have found that often it is a client’s fear of being vulnerable which hinders their healing process. A person’s inner beauty and individual uniqueness can be seen when vulnerability is shared between two humans. There…
Shiatsu Therapy and The Abdomen (The Hara) What is the Hara? Why in Shiatsu therapy does the therapist often start your treatment by feeling your abdominal region or focusing in that region? Ancient Asian cultures believe the shape of one’s Hara tells about the character and condition of a person. Yellow markings are reflex zones for the organs….
Acupressure significantly reduced heart rate among subjects who suffered a stroke, whereas placebo acupressure did not, according to recent research. The study, “Cardiovascular benefits of acupressure (Jin Shin) following stroke,” involved 13 subjects who experienced a stroke at least 19 months earlier. Inclusion criteria were a unilateral stroke resulting in persistent deficits, as well as…
Adrenal Burnout Healed Through Shiatsu The kidneys are considered to be the energy force of the body in Shiatsu and traditional Chinese Medicine. It is also “the furnace” that keeps us warm and distributes heat and energy throughout. Together with the bladder they are an important part in detoxifying the body of waste and impurities….
Mihael Hope your winter is going well and you are enjoying the outdoors more. For those who are stuck in the office at home, or away, I decided to resend an older newsletter about stretching in the workplace. I am noticing more and more people are coming in with conditions that stem from lack of…
Why do a Cleanse in the first place? Most people have between five or six food intolerances and they don’t even know it. The slower development of allergic response from food intolerances makes it harder for people to equate the food they ate yesterday with the vague symptoms like fatigue, inability to lose weight, headache and…
On the peak of the Cold War in the end 80’s, there was an incredible level of competition between the(communist) “East” German and the “West” German Olympic team. The “East” team was winning allmaj or Olympic competitions, which drove (of course) the “West” German officials into insanity. When the WALL came down on November 9,…