How many times have I heard from people in my personal circle and clients who have come to me say..”It’s too late to change, I am too old!”  Often times we attribute age to be a factor in our life changing and our health changing. We hear it from everywhere, Including sometimes primary care providers, media and society.

When people ask me who are your teachers? Who taught you everything that you know? I always answer my clients, in particular the elderly. When they share their pain story with me, everything that they had to overcome and how they managed to do it; they are like “gold nuggets of wisdom”.


Many of them thought me by the transmission of their experience and I have received many “gifts” through that kind of learning. Like a Master transmitting to his student by their sharing of presence, repetition and wisdom shared that can only come through experience.

Many of them went on a healing journey to recover from physical traumas, emotional traumas and Illnesses created out of sheer will and resilience to initially survive, to manage and then to heal. Many of them can be therapists themselves they’ve learned so much, they just don’t have the diplomas on the wall to show it. Some actually choose to become therapists to help themselves heal and to share they journey with others.

They conclusively showed me that it is never too late and it is never too late, even when I myself doubt at times, I have so many references to show me what is possible.

I wanted to share some examples of real case of a complex chronic pain patient and a woman with open sore and extreme lymphedema.

The man 83 years old came in recently with a complex chronic pain that started from a work injury he had in the late 70’s on his right shoulder, neck and arm. He had metal fall on him at work and caused severe damage.

When assessing the area there was

  • a noticeable lump the size of a fist created by the chronic state of the bodymind.
  • Pain radiating from mid upper back
  • Pain in shoulder joint where Range of Motion was affected
  • Pain in elbow and wrist
  • pain in neck and restriction

All these symptoms have been there since that traumatic accident in the late 70’s .

I have been working with this patient now for 4.5 weeks and the:

  • lump disappeared,
  • his shoulder pain disappeared with R.O.M increased dramatically.
  • His nerve upper back pain disappeared
  • His wrist & elbow pain is down significantly
  • His tissues health improved

His feedback I can’t believe how much as changed in such a short amount of time as he tried everything under the moon and sky.

Second example – 85 year old woman with severe lymphedema and cellulitis (oozing open sore)

Could not walk very much due to swelling in legs and feet and open sore that did not stop oozing fluid from it. The skin was so stretched the body could not have enough time to heal the open sore. Even though she was surrounded by family that she always took care of her whole life since she was a young child she always took care of others around her, it was her joy and agony. She kept on saying she will have to live like this, It is too late I am too old.

I said to her don’t worry we can heal this but she has to be patient and listen and to follow up on a protocol I created for her as home care in between sessions.  In a matter of weeks her open sore completely healed, in 2 months her skin completely regenerated in 3 months swelling was coming down to the point that she can start walking and in 5 months she could walk over 15 blocks back and forth. We started to joke together it’s never too late right? It is never too late- I can still hear her heavy Italian accent in my head.

If you are dealing with a chronic pain and you start to believe that it is too late, you are too old, there is hope and a way to help you change that state that only keeps your body and mind a prisoner.


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